Thursday, August 13, 2009

August Update

Greetings all. Hope all is well for everyone. I have good news and bad news this time. The good news is that we finally have high speed at home. Had to go wireless card with a laptop, but at least new I can sit upstairs and play online. The bad news is that I am still not working. The company brought me back for a day and a half and gave me another 59 day layoff. I wont put it into words what they are being like, but they wont terminate me cause they don't want to pay me a severance package. So they lay me off and hope I quit and walk away from everything including stock options. But Im stubborn and refuse to walk away from 9 years of working my butt off without anything. I was not working for 3 weeks but now have a one month job welding for a business associate. After that I'm not sure, but the company has to bring me back to work by Sept 14 or they terminate me. So we will see. I will try and post some new pics this weekend of our trip to the east coast and off course our children. And whoever reads this please email me your email addresses as I lost mine when my big computer crashed last week.


Brad and Lynn Kuiper said...

Hey Chris,
Sorry about the job situation, hope things pan out for you. I'm curious, can't they just get rid of you without a severance package or is that some kind of Canadian law thing? Down here, they just give you the axe, don't have to pay you to leave.

Chris and Tanya Kuiper said...

They can get rid of someone without paying if there is just cause (theft etc). When it comes to laying off due to work shortage etc, they have to give notice or pay equal to the notice. I am a 9 year employee so I am entitled to 6 weeks severance or a 6 weeks layoff notice in which I would work 6 weeks normally and then be done. Most of the bigger places just pay the severance because they dont want an employee around who knows he is done work shortly. By giving me these tempory layoffs, no notice or severance is required as I am still an employee of the company. I spoke with the labour board and they said the company can do this year around if they wanted to be idiots. So I will go back to work on the 15th of Sept, work a day or two and get laid off again.

danawynn said...

Dagnabit Chris, that is a crappy situation! I hope things work out the way you want them to. Love you!

Brad and Lynn Kuiper said...

Hey Chris,
Use it sometimes!