Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Son Announcement

Heres our new boy!! We got another puppy. Born January 21, 2011. 4 1/2 months old. 37 pounds, bout 30 inches long. Father is unknown. Name is Tucker. Don't know what he is, probably some Shepard, Border Collie, and maybe some Husky or St. Bernard. Who cares, he's a very good pup. The old dogs are accepting him better than we expected, and he is taking to his training pretty good so far. Please, no gifts or cards needed, but cash is OK.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Bit of Catch Up

Tigo last fall
How could you not love this face?

Tanya claims these are outdoor cats.

Lots of snow this winter.

Well, hello again. As usual, our posts revolve around our animals. Tigo here has to have knee surgery because he tore his knee ligaments. So hes down for another 8 weeks. To make things worse, Eden did the exact same thing 6 weeks later so she goes in for surgery on this coming Wednesday. Out vet bills so far this year are bigger than some 3rd world countries GDP. Oh well, they are our kids.