Thursday, October 8, 2009

Quick October Update

OK, no pics this time but just wanted to update y'all on work. Like I said last time, I didn't plan on working in Ponoka long, just till something better came up. And thankfully it did. Once word got out that I was no longer with Impact Drilling people began calling and low and behold I got offers from a good company. At first they offered me a rotational job oversees for $1100 a day , 30 days of work, and 30 home, but I knew better than to even mention that one to Tanya. But I did accept another job offer from them to run once of their big fabrication shops in Nisku (south of Edmonton). Only bad thing is that I have a 45 minute drive to work, and that wont be nice with winter around the corner. Now I know I will have to buy a new truck soon as the 14 year old Toyota is getting tired. The company is giving me a good bit of money to cover my fuel bill each month. But the money is good, great benefits etc, and I get to travel to Louisiana once in awhile. We are definitely going to be in Lynden for 4 days at the end of the month. Can't wait to see all the family down there again. Take care, bye for now.